Thursday, May 6, 2010

Growing A Pineapple Plant

I recently saw a medium sized pineapple plant in a store for $15. I suppose this is not a bad deal. If you enjoy eating fresh pineapple, you can get a plant for free. A few simple steps all are that is needed to grow your own plant. I did some research and then adjusted it a bit.

When you cut the top off your fresh pineapple, remove as much of the fruit from the top as you can. Next pull off an inch or two of leaves from the bottom. The third step is the important one. Set the top aside for two or three days to allow it to dry a bit. This will go a long way to prevent the top from rotting. I let mine dry a bit too much, but it was still fine. Next set the pineapple top in water. I used a pint mason jar to hold mine. Wait for roots to appear. I had good, long roots in a few weeks' time. Finally plant your pineapple plant.

I will admit that mine is not as pretty (yet!) as the purchased plant. However for the same price I can buy 5 pineapples. That will give me five plants to grow and five delicious pineapples to eat.

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